Marketing in the International Context
If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia.
Course Material
The course material is available in the share folder of the faculty.
If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia.
Course Material
The course material is available in the share folder of the faculty.
More information regarding the courseCredits: 5 ECTS Degree programm: Bachelor-degree faculaty business and economics; recommend participation to the students from the 4th semester Duration of the course: one semester, 4 SWS Learning outcomes: The students are able:
Grading: Final written exam (100%) |
The lecture "Marketing in the international context" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia takes place conventionally from the fourth semester up to the sixth semester.
1. Introduction to Marketing in the international context
- expansion of the organzation
2. Conceptualitation of the term and the importance of market research
- basic concepts
3. Understanding consumer behaviour, individual culture and personality
4. Geographical situation, national cultures and idiosyncrasies
5. The role of the marketing manager in the international context
- vocation, professional culture and professional identity
6. Business nature, industries and sectors for marketing
- organizational culture and corporate identities
7. Entry modes and international marketing
8. International and global brands and products
9. Functions of the international marketing department
- orientations and perspectives
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