ich war hier: SimulationOfMotionMaschbau

Simulation of Motion

Module description

valid for matriculations after 2012

Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Weidner

Teaching language: English

Contact hours/credits: 4 hour per week, 5 credits (ECP)

Course objectives: On completion of this course, the students should have some background knowledge on Multibody Systems. They should be able to simulate the kinematic and dynamic behaviour of mechanical structures.

Teaching method:
  • Lecture
  • Computer Exercises

Grading: Test in Computer Lab. (90 min)

Work load: Presence 60 h + self study 90 h = 150 hours = 5 Credit Points

Course contents:
  • Bodies and their Properties
  • Joints
  • Springs
  • Dampers
  • Actuators
  • Collision
  • Friction
  • Initial Conditions
  • Parameters of Simulation

  • Harmonic Vibrations
  • Non-Linear Vibrations
  • Friction Problems
  • Compensation of Weight
  • Dynamics of Crank Mechanism
  • Impact Problems
  • Windscreen-Wiper
  • Four-Stroke Engine

Reading: http://www.design-simulation.com/WM2D/
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