ich war hier: LVWiWiInternationaleWirtschaftsbeziehungenA

International Economic Relations A: Financial Markets and Institutions (Financial Intermediation)


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Ms. Prof. Dr. Hildegard Breig.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder of the faculty.


  • World Bank: Finance for All: Policies and Pitfalls in Expanding Access, 2008, Chapter 1 - 2

Further information regarding the course

Credits: 5 ECTS

Degree programm:

  • Bachelor-degree
  • faculaty business and economics
  • recommend participation to the students from the 4th semester

Duration of the course:

  • one semester
  • 4 SWS

Learning outcomes:
To understand the economic function of financial intermediaries, in particular banks, as well as their regulation by government agencies. The participants will be able to
  • explain the conditions, under which intermediaries occur in financial markets,
  • identify information problems in financial markets, and demonstrate how an intermediary may increase welfare,
  • explain the link of bank loans with overall economic activity in different countries and
  • discuss inherent risks of financial intermediaries, and explain the rationale for banking regulation and supervision.


  • Final written exam (100%)

The lecture "Game Theory" hosted by Ms. Prof. Dr. Hildegard Breig takes place conventionally from the fourth semester up to the sixth semester.


    • overview of the financial system
    • types of financial intermediaries

2. Fundamentals
    • perfect versus imperfect financial markets
    • financial contracting
    • asymmetric information

3. Financial intermediaries as delegated monitors

4. Financial intermediaries as liquidity providers

5. Macroeconomic issue of financial intermediation
    • the bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission
    • the finance-growth-nexus
    • systemic risks of banking

6. Regulation and supervision
    • capital requirements
    • deposit insurance


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