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International Business


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. Gary Chittick gkchittick@gmail.com.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder of the faculty.



Useful References

  • Please use this link on page 3.

Further information regarding the course

Credits: 5 ECTS

Degree programm:
faculaty business and economics; recommend participation to the students from the 4th semester

Duration of the course:
one semester, 4 SWS

Learning outcomes:
Students entering the program, particulary those entering with a non-business background or non-international business background, need an understanding about how the conduct of business operating in the global economy is distinct from that of domestic business. The additional complexity of international business operations is both one of degree as well as of context. Business must operate in diverse foreign environments and engage in specialised types of transactions. To succeed in international business requieres functional understanding of the threats and opportunities arising from diversity of markets and the growth of globalisation, the nature and role of business operations in the international value chain and the management and control of international business operations.

Assignment - Essay (20%)
Final written exam (80%)

The lecture "International Business" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Gary Chittick takes place conventionally from the fourth semester up to the sixth semester.


1. Introduction: Nature and Growth of International Business and Globalisation

2. Competitive Environments and National Differences in Poltical Economy. Political and Country Risk

3. Dealing with Cultural Differences and Ethics

4. International Trade Theory: Political Economy of Trade

5. Foreign Direct Investment

6. Regional Economic Integration

7. Foreign Exchange: The International Monetary System

8. Strategy & Structure of International Business

9. Entry Strategy & Strategic Alliances

10. Exporting, Importing, Global Production, Outsourcing and Logistics

11. Global Marketing & Research & Development

12. Global Human Resource Management

13. Course Overview


In the winter semester 2014/15 the lecture is taking place:

lecture part Day Time Room
Part 1 Thursday I 8.15 - 9.45 am H0102
Part 2 Thursday II 10.15 - 11.45 am C201

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