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Managerial Economics (Advanced Economics)


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Prof. Dr. Peter Schuster.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder and studip of the faculty.


Obligatory literature

More information regarding the course

Credits: 2,5 ECTS

Degree programm:
faculty business and economics; recommend participation to the students in the 2nd semester

Duration of the course:
one semester, 2,5 SWS

Learning outcomes:

Identify and understand the contribution that can be gained from economics and economic theory (especially microeconomic analysis) when applied to select managemet problems (especially optimization of business decisions)

The aim of this course is to discuss selcted topics on the basis of examples. In each case a short group presentation is to provide an overview on the concept itself and is then repeated by the solution of longer examples and exercises.

Final Exam (100 %)

The lecture "Managerial Economics" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Peter Schuster takes place conventionally in the second semester of the master program.


1. Introduction

2. Decision Analysis, Tools and Techniques

3. Demand and Cost Analysis

4. Market Structure and Theories of the Firm

5. Pricing and Related Decisions


In the summer semester 2015 the lecture is taking place:

lecture part Day Time Room
Part 1 Tuesday I 2.15 - 3.45 am C 207
Part 2 Tuesday II 4.15 - 5:45 pm C 207

Exams Date:

Date Time Room
*23.07.2015 12 - 1.30 pm H 0102
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