ich war hier: Baumelement4967 » LVIBEInternationalServiceManagement

Revision history for LVIBEInternationalServiceManagement

Revision [57721]

Last edited on 2015-07-18 17:49:22 by Pioch
==== International Service Management (Management)====
==== International Service Management ====

Revision [48403]

Edited on 2014-12-12 12:10:46 by Pioch
||{text-align:center}**Part 2** ||{text-align:center}**28./29.11.2014** ||{text-align:center} Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30||{text-align:center} C207||

Revision [48402]

Edited on 2014-12-12 12:07:47 by Pioch

Revision [48401]

Edited on 2014-12-12 12:06:16 by Pioch

Revision [48400]

Edited on 2014-12-12 12:05:57 by Pioch
||{text-align:center}**Part 2** ||{text-align:center}**28./29.11.2014** ||{text-align:center} Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30||{text-align:center} C207||
**{{color text="The 28. and 29.11.2014 are cancelled and the third date is hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Armin Herker." c="red"}}**
||{text-align:center}**Part 2** ||{text-align:center}**28./29.11.2014** ||{text-align:center} Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30||{text-align:center} C207||
**{{color text="The whole schedule and the exam are canceled! Detailed information are mentioned in studip." c="red"}}**

Revision [47216]

Edited on 2014-11-25 13:04:41 by Pioch
**{{color text="The whole schedule and the exam are canceled! Detailed information are mentioned in studip." c="red"}}**
{{color text="The whole schedule and the exam are canceled! Detailed information are mentioned in studip." c="red"}}

Revision [47215]

Edited on 2014-11-25 13:04:25 by Pioch
{{color text="The whole schedule and the exam are canceled! Detailed information are mentioned in studip." c="red"}}

Revision [46458]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-11-08 14:00:35 by Pioch
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