ich war hier: ApacheMacOS

Apache auf macOS

Apache on Mavericks

configuring the built-in Webserver

automatic server start after booting
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

starting / stopping
sudo apachectl start / stop / restart
helpfully too:
sudo apachectl configtest

note: "In order for apache to access a directory, it must have access rights not only to that directory but to all directories above it. So you need to allow www-data read access to /media and /media/crash as well as /media/crash/Yari."

set up webDAV
- see here

- http://www.ulrike-haessler.de/notizen-aus-der-provinz/maclog/webserver-unter-mac-os-x-maverick-10-9/
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