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Dies ist eine alte Version von VorkursBusinessenglish201213 erstellt von SimoneKleinschmidt am 2014-10-19 09:46:50.


Vorkurs Business English Conversation

Dozentin / Lecturer: Frau Simone Kleinschmidt

Termine / Dates

Aktuell / Current semester

Wintersemester 2014/´15
Zeitraum vom 01.10.2014 bis 30.01.2015
Montag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111
Dienstag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111

Archiv / Archive

Wintersemester 2012/´13Sommersemester 2013Wintersemester 2013/´14Sommersemester 2014
Zeitraum vom 26.11.2013 bis 25.01.2013Zeitraum vom 02.04.2013 bis 12.07.2013Zeitraum vom 07.10.2013 bis 31.01.2014Zeitraum vom 01.04.2014 bis 11.07.2014
Montag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111Montag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111Montag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111Montag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D117
Donnerstag 10:00 – 11:30 Uhr Raum H011Donnerstag 10:00 – 11:30 Uhr Raum D111 - Donnerstag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum D111
Donnerstag 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr Raum H011 - - -
Donnerstag 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr Raum H011 - - -

Der Kurs ist offen für Teilnehmer/-innen aus allen Fachrichtungen. Das Programm orientiert sich an den Wünschen und Vorkenntnissen der Studierenden. Im Vordergrund steht die Geschäftskonversation auf Englisch. Dazu zählt beispielsweise der Small Talk ebenso wie der Umgang mit Gästen, das Telefonieren, das Beschreiben von Firmen und Unternehmensstrukturen sowie von Produkten und Prozessabläufen, das Präsentieren, das Verhalten bei Meetings sowie das Vorstellungsgespräch und E-Mails. Grammatikalische Fragestellungen werden bei Bedarf und auf Wunsch der Teilnehmer/-innen in kürzerem Umfang wiederholt und geübt. Die Studierenden sollen dazu befähigt werden, in den üblichen Geschäftssituationen stilistisch und grammatikalisch angemessen auf Englisch reagieren zu können.
Als Vorkurs ergänzt dieser Kurs das Angebot des Zentrums für Fremdsprachen im Bereich Englisch. Er bereitet die Studierenden auf den Besuch regulärer Englischkurse vor und/oder vertieft die in diesen Kursen erworbenen Fertigkeiten, vor allem im mündlichen Bereich. Darüber hinaus unterstützt er die Studierenden bei der sprachlichen Vorbereitung eines Auslandssemesters und/oder -praktikums sowie beim Einstieg ins Berufsleben. Daneben bietet der Kurs auch ausländischen Studierenden die Gelegenheit, neben der Festigung ihrer englischen Sprachkenntnisse mit deutschen Studierenden in Kontakt zu kommen und sich über unterschiedliche Gepflogenheiten im Geschäftsleben auszutauschen.

Course Description:
The course is open to participants from all subject areas. Its programme is oriented at the students` wishes and at the knowledge they already have. The course focuses on business communication in English. This includes, for example, small talk as well as dealing with guests, telephoning, describing companies and company structures as well as products and processes, presenting, meetings as well as job interviews and e-mails. Grammatical issues are briefly revised and practised upon request and whenever it is necessary. The students shall be enabled to react in common business situations in stylistically and grammatically adequate English.
As part of the Fachhochschule's preparatory course programme, the Business English Conversation class complements the English courses offered by the Centre of Foreign Languages. It prepares the students for attending those courses or revises and deepens the knowledge they have acquired in them, especially as far as speaking is concerned. Moreover, the course is designed to prepare the students for participating in international student exchange or job placement programmes and for the job search in general. In addition, it offers the opportunity to foreign exchange students to not only consolidate their English, but also to meet up with German students and to talk about different habits in business life with them.

Lehrplan / Syllabus

Archiv / Archive

Wintersemester 2012/´13Sommersemester 2013Wintersemester 2013/´14Sommersemester 2014
Communicational topics
Communicational topics
Communicational topics
Communicational topics
1. Social English
  1. Small Talk
  1. Eating Out
  1. Welcoming guests at a hotel
  1. Showing guests around in a company
2. Telephoning
  1. Making arrangements
  1. Leaving and taking messages
  1. Telephone vocabulary
3. Recruitment
  1. Writing a job application by e-mail
  1. Describing a career / Talking about the past
  1. Writing a CV or a résumé
  1. Describing personal qualities and activities
  1. Interview questions + mock interview
1.Social English
  1. Small Talk
  1. Dealing with guests
2. Recruitment
  1. Describing personal qualities and activities
  1. Do's and Don'ts for an interview
  1. Interview questions + mock interview
  1. Describing a career / Talking about the past
3. Telephoning
  1. Formal vs. informal language / politeness
  1. Dealing with complaints / apologizing
  1. Problem-solving on the telephone
  1. Telephoning in general (various)
4. E-mailing
  1. Dealing with complaints / politeness
  1. Enquiries and replies to enquiries
  1. Order confirmations
  1. Explaining sales figures
5. Business journeys
  1. On the airport
  1. Talking about customs regulations
  1. Arriving at a hotel
  1. General vocabulary for arranging a trip
6. Presentations
  1. Presentation techniques
  1. Mock presentation
1. Recruitment
  1. Interview questions
    and possible answers
  1. Recruitment vocabulary in general
  1. Recruitment practice in different countries
    (comparison Germany - Brasil)
  1. Mock interview
2. Company structures
  1. Departments, responsibilities and hierarchies
  1. Meeting someone for the first time
  1. Importance of certain aspects of a company
  1. Presenting a company and its products
  1. Explaining processes
3. Telephoning
  1. Asking for and giving order details
  1. Taking and leaving a message
4. E-mailing
  1. Formal vs. semi-formal vs. informal e-mails
1. Recruitment
  1. Interview questions
    and possible answers
  1. Recruitment vocabulary in general
  1. Mock interview
2. Company structures
  1. Departments and responsibilities
  1. Meeting visitors
  1. Showing visitors around
  1. Explaining processes
3. Presentations
  1. Presentation techniques
Grammar revision
Grammar revision
Grammar revision
Grammar revision
  1. Question formation + short answers
  1. Indirect language, politeness
  1. Passive voice
  1. Countable vs. uncountable nouns
  1. Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
  1. Adjectives vs. adverbs

  1. Question formation in various tenses +
    short answers
  1. Indirect language, politeness
  1. Adjectives vs. adverbs
  1. Simple Past vs. Past Continuous vs.
    Past Perfect
  1. Phrasal verbs
  1. Countable vs. uncountable nouns
  1. "much" vs. "many",
    "some" vs. "any" vs. "a"
  1. "to have" in questions and negations

  1. Question formation esp. "wh-" question forms
  1. Passive voice
  1. Sequencing thoughts; conjunctions
  1. must(n't), need(n't), (not) have to
  1. Adjectives vs. adverbs

  1. Question formation esp. "wh-" question forms
  1. Passive voice
  1. Sequencing thoughts
  1. Use of adjectives and verbs for descriptions
  • Emmerson, Paul: Business English Handbook. Advanced. Macmillan. Oxford. 2007.
  • Hollett, Vicky et al: In at the Deep End. Speaking activities for professional people. Oxford University Press. 1989. Impression of 2002.

  • Emmerson, Paul: Business English Handbook. Advanced. Macmillan. Oxford. 2007.
  • Hollett, Vicki et al: In at the Deep End Speaking activities for professional people. Oxford University Press.1989. Impression of 2002.
  • Köster, Almut et al: Business English - A Teacher Training Manual. NATALI, Universität des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken. 1994.
  • Sweeney, Simon: English for Business Communication. Cambridge University Press. 2003.

  • Cordell, Jane: Cambridge Business English Activities. Cambridge University Press. 2000.
  • Köster, Almut et al: Business English - A Teacher Training Manual. NATALI, Universität des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken. 1994.

  • Emmerson, Paul: Business English Handbook. Advanced. Macmillan. Oxford. 2007.

Online-Ressourcen / Online resources

BBC Learning English - English at work
BBC Learning English - Talking business
BBC Learning English - Job search
BBC Learning English - Working abroad
BBC Learning English - General English on YouTube

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