ich war hier: VerdrossSimmaUniversellesVoelkerR

Revision history for VerdrossSimmaUniversellesVoelkerR

Revision [39119]

Last edited on 2014-05-13 19:03:02 by AnnegretMordhorst
==== Literatur: Verdross/Simma - Universelles Völkerrecht====
|?|{color:white; background-color: #00386a; width: 800px; font-size:150%; text-align:left} Literatur: Verdross/Simma - Universelles Völkerrecht||

Revision [36382]

Edited on 2014-02-18 20:09:59 by AnnegretMordhorst
|?|{color:#00386a; width: 800px; font-size:120%; text-align:left} **Titel:** Universelles Völkerrecht: Theorie u. Praxis||
|?|{color:#00386a; width: 800px; font-size:120%; text-align:left} **Titel:** Universelles Völkerrecht : Theorie u. Praxis||

Revision [36381]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-02-18 20:07:50 by AnnegretMordhorst
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