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Revision history for TutoriumFKWRProgrammierungIMMSS2016

Revision [90562]

Last edited on 2018-08-20 16:45:43 by ClaudiaMichel

Revision [68334]

Edited on 2016-05-30 12:09:28 by ClaudiaMichel
===**{{color text="Tutorium Programmierung I / MM" c="#00386a"}}** ===
**{{color text="1. Tutor/in:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="2. Ziel des Tutoriums:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="3. Adressaten des Lehrangebotes:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="4. Teilnahme:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="5. Veranstaltungsdatum/-zeit/-ort:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="6. Veranstaltungsinhalte:" c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="7. Literaturhinweise:" c="#00386a"}} **
**{{color text="8. Aufgaben:" c="#00386a"}} **
**{{color text="Titel der Veranstaltung: "c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="Lehrende(r): "c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="Veranstaltungsdaten: "c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="Veranstaltungsinhalte: "c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="Literaturhinweise:"c="#00386a"}}**
**{{color text="Aufgaben:"c="#00386a"}}**

Revision [68162]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2016-05-25 11:19:23 by ClaudiaMichel
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