Module description:
valid for matriculations after 2012
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. A. Braunschweig
- Students shall understand demands and structures of robot systems
- They must be able to analyze handling systems as to their application possibilities
- It must be possible for them to synthesize handling systems from partial systems
- Possibilities of simulation must be well-known
- Students shall master selection and dimensioning of application oriented components
- Fundamental knowledge of PTP- and CP-programming of IR must be available
- Kinds, structures and components of handling systems
- Partial systems of IR
- Joints, gears and drive systems of IR
- Operating spaces, applications
- Grip principles and effectors (grippers) for IR
- Gripper integrated sensors
- Industrial robot control and programming
- Fundamentals of automated assembly/disassembly
- Lab work; Programming of IR for special handling tasks
Lecture style:
- Lecture (3 SWS)
- Lab work (1 SWS) in groups á 12 students
Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) or similar
Useability: Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.)
- written exam (120 min)
- lab certificate (attestation)
Frequency: yearly in summer semester
Work load: Presence 60 h + self study 90 h = 150 hours = 5 Credit Points
- Siciliano, Khatib (Eds.): Robotics, Springer Verlag, 2008
- Volmer: Industrieroboter, Verlag Technik, 1992
- Bögelsack/Kallenbach/Linnemann: Roboter in der Gerätetechnik, Verlag Technik 1984
- Kreuzer u.a.: Industrieroboter, Springer Verlag, 1994
- Weber: Industrieroboter, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 2002
- Hesse: Handhabungsmaschinen, Vogel Verlag, 1993
- Mehner/Stürmann: Robotertechnik, Verlag Christiani, 1997
- Hesse: Greifertechnik, Hanser Verlag, 2011
- Hesse: Greiferpraxis, Vogel Verlag, 1991
- Lotter: Wirtschaftliche Montage, VDI Verlag, 1992
- Hesse: Montagemaschinen, Vogel Verlag, 1993
- Roddeck: Einführung in die Mechatronik, Teubner Verlag, 1997
- Heimann/Gerth/Popp: Mechatronik, Fachbuchverl. Leipzig, 2003