ich war hier: MatheGKL2

Revision history for MatheGKL2

Revision [62782]

Last edited on 2015-12-07 09:56:17 by Jorina Lossau
E(t) = (1+t²)/1+sin(2t)
1+sin(2t) ≠ 0 -> sin(2t) ≠ -1-> 2t≠ 3π/2 + 2kπ
-> t≠ 3π/4 + kπ; k Element Z
D = {t Element R I t≠ 3π/4 + kπ; k Element Z}
{{image url="terme1.jpg" width="650" class="center"}}

Revision [62781]

Edited on 2015-12-07 09:16:12 by Jorina Lossau
D(x) = √(x-3)/cos(x)
cos(x) ≠ 0 -> x ≠ π/2 + kπ; k Element Z
x-3 ≥ 0 -> x ≥ 3
D = {x Element R I x ≥ 3; x≠ π/2 +kπ; k Element Z}

Revision [62780]

Edited on 2015-12-07 09:03:25 by Jorina Lossau
R(x) = ln(x+1)+1/x²
C(t) = (1+√(t-1))/(√-2-t)
t-1 ≥ 0 -> t ≥ 1
-2-t > 0 -> t < -2
D = { }
F(x, y) = 1/√x + 1/√y + √(x²-y²)
x²-y² ≥ 0 -> IxI ≥ IyI
x > 0
y > 0 -> Beträge nicht nötig
D = {(x;y)I x>0; y>0; x>y}

Revision [62779]

Edited on 2015-12-07 08:03:28 by Jorina Lossau
||**Geben Sie die Definitionsbereiche an:**
T(x) = 1/(x-2)+√x
x-2 ≠ 0 -> x ≠ 2
x ≥ 0
D = {x Element R I x ≥ 0; x ≠ 2}

Revision [62734]

Edited on 2015-12-06 13:00:42 by Jorina Lossau
{{image url="terme1.jpg" width="650" class="center"}}
{{image url="MatheGKL2.jpg" width="650" class="center"}}

Revision [43899]

Edited on 2014-08-28 19:06:39 by Jorina Lossau
===Definitionsbereich mathematischer Terme - Lösungen===
||**{{files download="MatheGKL2.pdf"text="PDF Dokument Lösungen Definitionsbereich Mathematischer Terme"}}**||
===Definitionsbereich mathematischer Terme===
||**{{files download="MatheGKL2.pdf"text="PDF Dokument Grundlagen Mathematische Terme"}}**||

Revision [43898]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2014-08-28 18:49:58 by Jorina Lossau
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