ich war hier: LauraBreci

Field Report of Laura Breci

Laura comes from Bogota, which is in Colombia. She is a student since October 2014 and describes her first semester in Schmalkalden as following:

"Take a decision that can change your life forever is challenging, exiting and scaring at the same time. Before I came here I had those feeling, did I take the right choice? Should I stay in my country? After this first semester in the Master of International Business and Economics I’m able to answer all those questions; from my experience in Schmalkalden I can say that this was the right decision for me. I started to be interested in study in Germany after I apply for a scholarship with DAAD, then I decided to search for universities that had the program that I wanted, and this university has a Master degree that fits all my expectatives. During this months I met wonderful people from different places of the world, people which share their own perspective and opinions, this is unique opportunity, give you an additional value to the knowledge that you acquire in the regular university life. Also I enjoyed the subjects of the Master, the possibility to create your own knowledge path, and be able to choice whatever you want to learn is enriching for your professional life.
If you are planning to come to Schamlkalden I will say that you have to take into account that this is not a big city like for example Berlin or Munich is a small but picturesque village, so if you come from a big city like me (I’m from Bogotá) you may have some problems getting use to the quiet and the lack of people; however you can appreciate a lot of nature, breath fresh air and forget the traffic jams, you can go everywhere by feet. You can stay in the dormitory or look for your own place, there are a lot of possibilities and not that expensive. I’m staying in the dorms and I like it, I have two roomates, one from Siria and Other one from Vietnam, very nice persons we are always sharing experiences and talking about our cultures. So my best advice is enjoy this town, the people and the university, for sure this will be a decision the will change your life." - Laura Breci (21.01.2015)

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