ich war hier: LVWiWiInterculturalManagement

International Management


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder of the faculty.


More information regarding the course

Credits: 5 ECTS

Degree programm:
faculaty business and economics; recommend participation to the students from the 4th semester

Duration of the course:
one semester, 4 SWS

Learning outcomes:
  • Learn about the critical features of culture and their influence on management
  • Become familiar with the specific aspects of cultural behaviour within organizations
  • Understand cultural differences and take advantage of diversity as a way to positively contribute to the organization's goal
  • Develop a sense of cultural intelligence in order to become more assertive when dealing with other cultures
  • Understand the main driving forces of human activity and behaviour
  • Use tools to increase competence within multicultural environments
  • Explore strategies to solve practical problems caused by cultural differences

Final written exam (100%)

The lecture "International Management" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. José Luis Vallejo Garcia takes place conventionally from the fourth semester up to the sixth semester.


1. Introduction of Intercultural Management

2. Levels of Operation of Human Activiy

3. Meaning and Definition of Culture

4. Elements and Characteristics of Culture

5. Intercultural Competence - Skills and Abilities

6. Organizations and Cultural Diversity

7. National Cultures and Sub-Cultures

8. Human Behaviour and Leadership

9. Conflicting Views of Culture

10. Values and Symbols Inside Companies

11. Ethical Behaviour and Other Cultures

12. The Challenges for International Managers


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