ich war hier: LVMbLasertechnik

Laser Technology

Further information on the course

classroom language:
  • english

Necessary knowledge:
  • Fundamentals of Physics especially wave optics

  • Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.), Applied Plastics Engineering (B.Eng.), Renewable
Recourses Engineering (B. Eng.), other Engineering courses

Teaching methods:
  • 3h Lectures
  • 1h Lab

  • written exam (120 min)
  • graded lab certificate
  • Overall grade = 1/3 Lab certificate + 2/3 exam

contact hours 60 h + self study 90 h = 150 Stunden = 5 ECTS

General information

The lecture Laser Technology by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Lenz is offered regularly in the summer semester for students of the 5th subject semester in the bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.


On completion of this course, the students should have some background knowledge
on the special properties of laser radiation and the functional principles of a laser. They
should know the design and some typical applications of some basic laser types.


Physical properties of laser radiation; laser principles: light amplification, 4-level-laser system, gain profile and longitudinal modes, laser resonator, transverse modes; generation of short pulses, frequency doubling; laser types: HeNe-laser, CO2-laser, Nd:YAG laser, fiber laser; laser applications: interferometry, holography, materials processing


  • J. Wilson/J.F.B. Hawkes, “Lasers Principles and Applications”, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13
  • B. Hitz/J.J. Ewing/J. Hecht, „Introduction to Laser Technology“ , IEEE Press ISBN0
  • K.J. Kuhn, “Laser Engineering”, Prentice Hall ISBN 0-02-366921-7
  • A.R. Henderson, “A Guide To Laser Savety” Chapman & Hall, ISBN0-412-72940-7
  • A. Rhody/F. Ross, “Holography Marketplace”, Ross Books, ISBN 0-89496-110-1

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