ich war hier: LVIBEStrategicRiskManagement

Management: Strategic Risk Management


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. Hellmuth Milde milde@uni-trier.de.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder and studip of the faculty.



  • will be mentioned in the class

More information regarding the course

Credits: 3 ECTS

Degree programm:

  • Master-degree
  • faculaty business and economics

Duration of the course:

  • one semester
  • 18 hours on 4 days

Learning outcomes:

The particpants learn the statistic approach of risk management, specially on event risk. Furthermore the students will be able to work with the theory of behavorial finance and the game theory in detail.


  • Final written exam (100%)

The lecture "Strategic Risk Management" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Hellmuth Milde takes place conventionally in the first semester of the master program.


info coming soon


In the winter semester 2014/15 the lecture is taking place:

lecture part Date Time Room
Part 1 03.-05.12.2014 2 - 6 pm C207
Part 2 06.12.2014 8am - 2pm C207

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