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Philosophy: Philosophy of Science


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Prof. Dr. Manfred Herbert.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder and studip of the faculty.



More information regarding the course

Credits: 5 ECTS

Degree programm:

  • Master-degree
  • faculaty business and economics

Duration of the course:

  • one semester
  • 15 x 2,5 SWS

Learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge of basic concepts, basic Problems and important ideas of philosophy of science; critical reflectionof the methods of science, especially of social sciences and economics - capacity to apply scientific methods in a correct way and to criticize scientific positions gained in a methodologically unjustified way.


  • Midterm exam (20%)
  • Final written exam (80%)

The lecture "Philosophy of Science" hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Manfred Herbert takes place conventionally in the second semester of the master program.


1. Introduction

2. Basic Concepts

3. Objectives of Science

4. Fundamentals of Research Projects

5. Linguisitic Foundations


In the winter semester 2015/16 the lecture is taking place:

lecture part Day Time Room
Part 1 Wednesday 08.15 - 09.45 am C207
Part 2 Thursday 08.15 - 09.45 am C207

Exams Date:

Date Time Room
13.01.2016 8 - 9.30 am Aula

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