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International Service Management


If you will have a question, please use this link to contact Mr. Dr. Nils Löber nilsloeber@lightfactory.de.

Course Material

The course material is available in the share folder and studip of the faculty.



  • Fugate, D.L./ Zimmerman, A.: International Services Marketing: A review of structual barriers, regulatory limitations, and marketing responses, 1996, in: Services Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 33-58]]
  • McLaughlin, C.P./Flitzsimmons, J.A.: Strategies for Globalizing Service Operations, 1996, in: International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 43 - 57
  • Contractor, F.J./ Kundu, S.K./Hsu, C.-C.: A three-stage theory of international expansion: the link bewtween multinationality and performance in the service sector, 2003, in: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 34, p. 5 - 18
  • Stauss, B./ Mang, P.: "Cultural Shocks" in inter-cultural service encounters?, 1999, in: Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 13, N. 4/5, p - 329 - 346
  • Furrer, O./ Liu, B.S.-C./Sudharshan, D.: The relationships between culture and service quality perceptions - Basics for cross-cultural market segmentation and resouce allocation, 2000, in: Journal of Service Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 355 - 371
  • Ksssim, N./ Asiah Abdullah, N.: The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings: A cross cultural analysis, 2010, in: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 3, p. 351 - 371

More information regarding the course

Credits: 5 ECTS

Degree programm:
faculaty business and economics; recommend participation to the students in the 1st semester

Duration of the course:
one semester, 6 days a 6 hours

Learning outcomes:
Course participants will acquire a sound understanding for the challenges of servide design and dellivery in a global world. The nature of services (in contrast to goods) requires specific management instruments, whose application is even more challenging in international settings. To understand how service companies can deal with the complexity of international service delivery is the main objective of this class.

Learning outcomes:
  • Unterstand the special charactersitics of services and the service value creation process
  • Unterstand the global importance of services, international service trade and its barries
  • Learn the challenge of international service delivery including strategy and operations
  • Gain an understanding for relationship marketing in services and the challenge of serving multi-national/-cultural customers

Group Case Study and Presentation (20%)
Final written exam (80%)

The lecture "International Service Management" hosted by Mr. Dr. Nils Löber takes place conventionally in the first semester of the master program.


1. Basics and Fundamental Theories of Services Management

2. The Economic Importance of International Trade in Services

3. Basic Issues of International Trade in Services

4. Barriers of International Trade in Services

5. Strategies for International Service Businesses

6. Market Selection and Entry Strategies for Service Companies

7. Marketing Issues of International Service Businesses: Managing Physical Evidence and the Servicecape

8. Marketing Issues of International Service Businesses: Managing Relationships and Building Loyalty

9. Marketing Issues of International Service Businessess: E-Commerce and Internet-based Services

10. Intercultural Problems of Service Encounter Situations


In the winter semester 2014/15 the lecture is taking place:

lecture part Date Time Room
Part 1 24./25.10.2014 Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30 C207
Part 2 28./29.11.2014 Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30 C207
Part 3 12./13.12.2014 Friday: 10:30-12/ 13-16 Saturday: 9-12/ 13-14:30 C207

The 28. and 29.11.2014 are cancelled and the third date is hosted by Mr. Prof. Dr. Armin Herker.
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