ich war hier: AustralienEB1

Version [92437]

Dies ist eine alte Version von AustralienEB1 erstellt von ClaudiaMichel am 2018-11-12 14:31:35.


Hello all! My name is Ana Maria Gallego, I´m originally from Colombia. I´m an IBE student of the University of Schmalkalden, Germany and now I´m studying my third semester in Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia.
My experience studying in Australia has been amazing! The professors are very committed to teach in a very didactic manner, which make the content very insightful. All subjects are practical oriented, with very interesting assignments that demand the best of myself, which is really encouraging!
I chose all lectures in Joondalup campus, which is the biggest and pretties among all ECU campuses in Western Australia. It counts on beautiful buildings, social areas, green zones, students lounge, special places to sleep and recover energy, among other facilities that make this University amazing, without mention the students service, which is very personalized and useful; there are also orientation programs to assignments due, a large variety of courses and tutorials that strength students’ technical skills, online courses, etc.
I would rank this University as the top in service commitment, student’s facilities, quality of lectures, quality of program and kindness of personnel. I strongly recommend my colleagues to come and study here during the exchange semester!

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