ich war hier: TutorialInternationalFinancialMarketsWS1819

Version [92149]

Dies ist eine alte Version von TutorialInternationalFinancialMarketsWS1819 erstellt von ClaudiaMichel am 2018-10-25 09:41:34.


Tutorial International Financial Markets and Portfolio Selection


Thi Thu Thoai Nguyen


Teaching language is English.

Participants of the tutorial:

1. Semester Master IBE


The tutor will help the students to solve the problems and questions for the mid-term exam, final exam and other questions that the students need her to help.


Elton, E.J. et al.,
Modern Portfolio
Theory and Investment Analysis, 7th ed., Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007, ch.1-ch. 7, ch. 11 -ch. 13, ch. 17, and ch. 27

Mishkin, F.S., The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 10thed.,
Boston et al: Pearson Addison Wesley 2013, ch. 1, ch. 2, and ch. 7.

Ross, St. et al., Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 10th ed., New York, NY: McGraw
Hill, 2012, ch. 12.

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