ich war hier: TutoriumCNStartSession

Tutorium Communication Networks

Using Windows Live Messenger

2 Start Session

- At this point you should see a window below.

 (image: http://ife.erdaxo.de/uploads/TutoriumCNStartSession/Anmelden1.jpg)

Username: Type the corresponding username on the first field.

To initiate a session on the laboratory you need to check on the tower of the computer what is the name assigned to the computer (e.g Nate1).
The username (“Benutzername”) that you should use is compound by the concatenation of the elements “fhs” - “assigned name” -“@live.de” (e.g. fhsnate1@live.de).

Password: The password (“Kennwort”) that every student should use in the laboratory is “student”, without depending on the computer that is using.

- If all the required data were right typed will appear the following screen while the program is processing them before starting the session.

 (image: http://ife.erdaxo.de/uploads/TutoriumCNStartSession/Anmelden2.jpg)


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