ich war hier: NumericalHeatTransferSimulationMaschbau

Numerical heat transfer simulation

Module description:

valid for matrciulations after 2012

Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Pietzsch

Qualification aim:
  • The students should be able to calculate independently temperature fields in simple technical structures
  • They should know the terms and physical quantities of the theory of heat transfer and they should be able to apply them
  • The thermal module of the ANSYS program to be safely used
  • One important competence is to select the right finite element type for a given application and to understand the different properties and degree of shape function
  • During the exam (120min) the students should demonstrate their skills to solve two heat transfer problems using ANSYS
  • Laws and terms of heat transfer, balance equation of internal energy
  • Manual calculation of temperature fields and simple heat transfer problems
  • Fundamentals of the Finite Elements Method, elements formulation, shape functions, time integration methods, Introduction in ANSYS environment
  • Simple cooling behaviour of a compact body
  • Steady heat conduction in a linear rod
  • Transient heat conduction in a cooled slab
  • Thermal contact of two linear slabs at the face side (contact temperature)
  • Transient heat exchange and temperature equalization in a plane structure
  • Steady heat conduction and heat transfer capacity of a flat fin
  • Thermomechanical coupling of structural and thermal calculation- thermal strains and stresses, thermal distortion
  • Axissymmetric problems, solved in a cross section
  • Heat conduction in volumetric bodies
  • Radiation heat transfer as boundary condition
  • Time-dependent thermal boundary conditions

Teaching methods: computer exercise with partial lecture character (4SWS)

Necessary knowledges:
  • fundamentals of thermodynamics
  • heat transfer

Usability: Renewable Resources Engineering (B.Eng.)

preparing exam: individually solved exercises

Grading: practical examination at the computer (120min)

credits: 5 ECTS- Credits

frequency: annually in the winter semester

workload: 150 hours ( present time: 60h + self study 90h)

duration of one unit: 90 min

supporting documents: scriptum with solved and explained examples

  • ANSYS theory manual
  • Elements documentation
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