ich war hier: InfoRInfohandel » HBSeitenVerbinden

Version [14081]

Dies ist eine alte Version von HBSeitenVerbinden erstellt von ChristianeUri am 2012-02-25 00:25:08.


Seiten in der Wissensdatenbank miteinander verlinken

8. Links

To create a link to a wiki page you can use any of the following options:

type a WikiName (works only for page names with no whitespace):

add a forced link surrounding the page name by and (everything after the | will be shown as description):

Test your formatting skills

  • #27801;箱

add an image with a link (see instructions above).

To link to external pages, you can do any of the following:

type a URL inside the page:

add a forced link surrounding the URL by and (everything after the | will be shown as description):

Wikka documentation

Wikka community list

add an image with a link (see instructions above);
add an interwiki link (browse the list of available interwiki tags):


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